Pam Mantovani
Sensual, small town romances where love triumphs and family matters
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It's a dream come true for me that you've found me and are interested in my writing
I'm not one of those authors who grew up thinking, believing, they had to write to be happy. I was a reader, a dedicated one, from an early age. Time and time again I would finish a book and think "I wish I could write a book."
It simply never occured to me to try.
Fast forward through childhood, teenage tribulations, college, marriage, becoming a parent.
Still reading. Still wishing.
I don't remember why I finally decided to try to write a book. But I do remember feeling as if I'd opened up something inside of me. Writing isn't always easy, but I can no longer imagine my life without it.
If I have one hope, it's that something I write touches you in some way, a way that is unique and important to you no matter what the story might be.
From my heart to yours,
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