Pam Mantovani
Sensual, small town romances where love triumphs and family matters
“When he worked, he really worked. But when he played, he really PLAYED.”
― Dr. Seuss

While I love writing I also enjoy other creative outlets. The Craftsman and I have long worked on numerous DIY projects. Here is a picture of our latest - still in progress obviously. Eventually the clay dirt will be covered in recycled brick and be used as the grilling area.

I found this red bowl and thought it would make a great bathroom sink. Of course I believe my job is to come up with the ideas and The Craftsman is tasked with making it come true. Here, he built the cabinet, countertop and laid floor tile. There 'may' have been moments of extreme adult language during the renovation!
This is part of a cross stitch I made for a family member. I don't cross stitch nearly as much as I once did

This is actually a bench made by The Craftsman and I quilted the design for the seat. It comes in very handy when the entire family gathers.

I saw this quote at a Craft Fair. However I don't have much wall space to hang plagues so I decided to paint it over the kitchen doorway. I know at family gatherings some of the best conversations take place in the kitchen!
I'm always reluctant to admit I'm a quilter because I'don't usually put all those squares together in intriguing patterns. But I really do enjoy the top quilting aspect - selecting the design and what color thread to use, the rhymthic motion of adding all the stitching. It really relaxs me.